What Does an Executive VP Do?

what does an executive vp do

What does an Executive VP do? Why do businesses always have them? Let’s go into detail about their tasks in a company and how this helps to succeed?

Who is an Executive VP? 

The VP stands for Vice President. In the United States, it is a high-ranking executive position, usually under the president or CEO. While in countries outside of the United States, it is a lower rank than the position of President. 

Sometimes this position is referred to as EVP (Executive Vice President), VPOTUS (Vice President of the United States), VPC (Vice President of Company), or VPE (Vice President of Engineering).

An Executive Vice President has a lot to do while working in a company. Depending on the position it can be a CEO, COO, CFO, CIO, CTO, and other positions. 

Their primary role is to be an adviser and counselor to the business owner and provide guidance when needed. Here are some duties that an executive vice president has:

  • Advising and counseling business owners and board members on various matters such as business strategies, policies, and plans.
  • Manage daily operations such as management of employees and resources.
  • Negotiate deals with government agencies and other businesses.
  • Ensure that business objectives are met and exceeded.
  • Oversee recruitment and hiring of new employees.
  • Ensure that employees are trained and well trained to do their jobs well.
  • Confer with various departments within the company for better communication within the company itself.
  • Oversee the company’s budgets and report to the board on the status of the company.
  • Provide reports to the board on the company’s progress in meeting objectives.

What Does an Executive VP Do in a Company? 

An executive vice president performs a lot of tasks in a given company. These tasks are varied depending on their roles. Here are some of the basic tasks that they have to do in a company:

  • Provide advice and counseling on matters concerning business operations, policies, strategies, etc.
  • To handle the daily operations of the company such as staffing, management, etc.
  • Ensure that all business objectives are met and exceeded. This includes not just revenue but also production rates, staff productivity, customer satisfaction, etc.
  • To oversee recruitment and hiring of new employees to meet the staff requirements of the company.
  • To ensure that employees are well trained and can perform their job well with efficiency and accuracy.

What Does an Executive VP Do? Why Is It Important? 

The role of an executive vice president is very important to any company’s success because it helps maintain its smooth functioning through sound management and efficient operations. One major task an executive vice president does is provide advice to other executives. Especially if they require it or you think that they need it based on your experience and expertise in managing a business or industry that you know well. 

Providing advice also includes giving guidance when needed. Such as when business development plans need tweaking for better results or when employees need more training to perform their job more efficiently. 


I hope this article helped you learn more about the role of an executive vice president in a company. It is important to have an executive vice president because they play a role in maintaining the smooth running of the company. 

Additionally, they act as an adviser to the business owner and the board so they can make good decisions for the betterment of the company. 

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